Sunday, July 18, 2010

This Little Piggy

This little piggy won't park it.

On the go. Playing keep up with Owen. He loves to push and pull things, stack and destroy things, carry and drop things.

This little piggy has grown.

30 inches tall and over 23 pounds. He's traded in baby fat and fuzzy hair for a little guy frame and boyish locks. His appetite rivals mine. And he's not picky. He'll eat just about anything at anytime.

This little piggy has six teeth.

And in case you hadn't noticed, there's a wee gap in the front two. It gives him a nerdy edge and I like that.

This little piggy is one!

He's come so far in a year. I love that he laughs with Owen, sees Mark and is ready to play. He points, knows his name, plays chase, loves dogs, won't sit down in the bathtub, falls to the floor when he wants something. He's figuring out the world around him.

This little piggy cries waa, waa, waa when I'm not home.

He is a true momma's boy right now. Maybe for good? Who knows. But I'll take what I can get.

(Note: I checked the camera and my phone for pics of Gav. This random batch was about all I had...along with a bunch of blurry ones. Lesson learned? He doesn't stay still for very long AND I need to take more pictures!)


janet solomon said...

thanks for alerting me by email that there are pictures... though i go on your blog quite regularly just to get an "owen and gavin fix"

Kimba said...

love that shot of him in the pool! and the last one. :) and every other one. such a cutie!

Lisa said...

Oh man, he's so stinkin' cute!