Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer Travels

We recently returned from a whirlwind trip where we visited both sets of grandparents. It was such a good time that I just had to post a couple of the highlights.
First stop - visiting our Utah family. We quickly got reacquainted with the hot, dry desert weather. And even more quickly we cured it...with lots of playing in sprinklers.
And then came Seattle, where we spent a downright good day at the fair. While there we participated in a world-record-breaking event for the most people doing the "Bunny Hop" at one time. The goal was to have 2,000 bunny hoppers, and rumor is that we succeeded. So look for us in the next Guinness Record book.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

And Many More

A milestone! We recently celebrated Owen's first birthday with a gathering of friends and family. It was a very happy birthday indeed. And as I think back over the past year I cannot believe how much has happened since he was born. But mostly I canNOT believe how fast it's gone and how much my little "o" has grown. So here's to many more birthdays to come. We love you Owen!