Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can You Guess...

Which belly is which?

One is my pregnant Owen belly and the other is my current pregnant belly just a week before my respective due dates. Interesting comparison, no?


janet solomon said...

i am guessing that the white shirt one is owen and it is now time!!!! i'll see you sunday.

Kimba said...

Ooh, that's very interesting! (White shirt is O) We're super excited!

And see you soon, Mama Janet! :)

Britanny said...

Of course I know the answer! I still can't believe the day is almost did that go by so quickly? Maybe because I'm not the one who is pregnant!

Jami said...

Bridgette! You have no idea how sad I am that I am missing this! You'd better visit Utah soon (or even better, I'll visit you). Anyway, I think the green shirt is new baby and I think that the skirt (from what I can see) is adorable. Good luck on the last few days!

Abby said...

Hmmm...I think the green shirt is your new baby!
I can't believe you are so close! This has totally flown by.

Srudd said...

Hmmm... I can't tell. I also can't believe you only have a week left and in both pictures you are so thin! Lucky girl...