Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hair-do or Hair-don't?

I recently got a new "do" and it's taking a little getting used to. First of all it involves major bangs, which I haven't had in forever. And despite them being the essence of the hairdo, I feel a constant urge to push those suckers off my forehead! Then I've got the whole styling issue. It takes time to learn how to work with the newly trimmed locks. Each day I face the mirror and think, "What have we got goin' on today?" And by the time I'm done styling, it's not at all what I had in mind. But I really do like it...I think. Anyway, I would post a picture of myself if I had one. But I don't yet. You'll have to settle for my inspiration. Here's a little taste of what it looks like.

(I thought about posting a picture of me next to Heidi Klum to show the comparison, but then I realized there is no comparison. to Heidi...please!)

photo via


Heather said...

So cute! I can see why the pic was your inspiraion, I can totally see you in that shot. Now I wanna see the real thing!

Kimba said...

I think your new do is gorgeous! We'll have Caleb do some glamour shots of you tonight. Heidi Klum, beware!

LuckyRedHen said...

I bet it looks goodonya!

Ms. Kneisly said...

What I wouldn't do for straight hair. Or curly. Or anything but the schizophrenic stuff happening around my face. Jealous as always.