Friday, December 22, 2006

On the Move

So it's official. We are homeless. All our belongings were packed up one week ago and loaded onto a moving truck to be stored indefinitely. We have no home to move in to yet. So our home-away-from-home is a lovely hotel room. When we're not house hunting we enjoy ordering room service and relaxing in our leapord print robes!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

T ime with family
A rrested Development (all 3 seasons on DVD)
N aps (even though I'm not gettin' any)
K isses from husband M and baby O
S weater weather
G oogle's personalized homepage
I pod mini
V acation...need I say more?
I nternet shopping
N ew life in California
G elato (at Francesco's in Corvallis)

Monday, November 13, 2006

What the Heely!

What do you do with a husband who has just bought himself a new pair of Heelys? In case you're not 8 years old, Heelys are a combination shoe and skate in one. They've been around awhile but have just recently made their debut on the adult market. Mark has been waiting for this day for quite sometime now. And he's already snatched himself up a pair. Mind you he's thirty-two years old.
On Saturday we had some errands to run, but not without the Heelys. As soon as we slipped on our shoes (I settled for my new Mary Jane Crocs) we were off to Safeway and Target. Now picture this: a dad pushing his 4-month-old around in a cart, zooming up and down the aisles on wheels, nearly losing his balance every now and then, and absolutely loving every minute! I suppose I can't hate the player. But I hate the game.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Monkeying Around

Owen's first Halloween has come and gone! He decided to dress as a funky monkey...much to his father's dismay. If Mark had his way we would have trapsed around town with a gorey little dracula. Luckily I was in charge of the costume purchase, so a monkey it was. Isn't our little primate the cutest?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm a Blogger!

Yay, it's my first post! Short, but sweet.